(303) 468-8100
Asti, Piedmont, Italy- Absolutely enticing, the bright, brisk, effervescent, and beautiful Saracco Moscato d'Asti offers a perfumed fragrance that never ends. Notes of fresh apricot and honeysuckle abound. This delicate Muscat drinks well with fresh strawberries, peaches or by itself.
Saracco Moscato d’Asti
750ml Reg: $15.99 SALE: $13.99
Moscato wines have perfumed aromas of mandarin orange, ripe
pear, sweet meyer lemon, orange blossom, and honeysuckle…..read more about Moscato below.
California- Vibrant and expressive with dominant floral notes and hints of bright fruit flavors -- including peach, tropical fruits and lychee -- this wine is soft and luscious. Just a hint of fine effervescence tickles the palate and balances the sweetness.
Cupcake Moscato d'Asti
750ml, $11.99
Italy - "Lusciously sweet and full of concentrated flavor balanced by vibrant acidity this sparkler is perfect on its own or paired with desserts made from fruits such as nectarines, peaches or apples."
Gemma Di Luna Moscato
750ml, $17.99
Moscato d'Asti is a semi sweet wine made from the Moscato di Canelli grape from the Piedmont region of Italy. Sweet but not overly sweet with just enough bubbles. Great as an aperitif or with light meals. Refreshing taste with a clean finish.
Stella Rosa Moscato d'Asti 750ml, $11.99
Moscato is made from the Moscato Blanco grape, one of the oldest grapes in Italy and part of the muscat family. Though the origin of Moscato is unclear, it was believed to have come from the southeast Arabian Peninsula, where it eventually traveled to Italy and other countries.

The muscat family of grapes is known as the primary grape for wine in Italy. Moscato is well known for its versatility of flavors, including light, dry, sweet, sparkling, and rich dessert wine. It is a difficult grape to grow and is known for often producing low yields. Despite this, it has become very popular in the U.S, and in 2012 it was the third most popular white wine in the country.